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Save Our Swans update 2015



Since the two year moratorium (two years of nothing but egg addling) is over in the winter of 2015/2016, it is time to see where S.O.S. stands

with protecting the mute swans on the Portage Lakes. At last count we had 1628 signatures from all over the world on our petition to stop the euthananization of the mutes by ODNR. With over 500 from the Portage Lakes/Akron area, we feel that we have a strong support group.


Some comments from our local supporters are:


Diane B.           The swans are part of the beautiful nature here at the lakes.

Nicole B.          My children and I enjoy seeing them on our daily drive to             school.       

Annamarie B.  I enjoy feeding them and sitting on the dock watching                  them.

Harriette B.   ODNR is being ridicules regarding this issue! STOP NOW!

Barb B.          This slaughter must stop immediately!

Dawn C.        The thought of anyone purposely killing these beautiful                                       swans is beyond my comprehension! I feel priviledged to see and                          feed  these swans on a daily basis, my kids even named the                                  babies last year. I'm speechless!



Curtis C.        It is inhumane. The reasons given by ODNR are weak.

Mary C.          I have lived here on Portage Lakes all my life. How can we ever feel the same about ODNR and the State Park patrols after                                     finding out that they murdered these harmless creatures. They should be ashamed.

Dolores K.     It makes me sick that my tax money is being used to slaughter the swans that I love.


                                                                         And it goes on and on for over 1600.


When we started S.O.S. in 2013 there were, (by ODNR's count) 10 mutes left on all of the Portage Lakes after 78 had been euthanized locally since 2007. Our intent has been to keep at least these 10 alive. In July of this year, again by ODNR's count, there are 10 mutes on our lakes. This being the case, it is our hope, because ODNR's letter of November 22, 2013 ( see button 11-22-2013) stated,

"If the population of mute swans remain stable, then the Division will continue to only addle eggs," that they will, as they promised "continue to only addle eggs" and allow Portage Lakes property owners and visitors to enjoy these remaining beautiful birds.


In the near future S.O.S. will be meeting with the local ODNR to request a continuation of the moratorium. As a group S.O.S. has co-operated with ODNR by giving nest locations, by removing signs and stopping all forms of anti-ODNR activity and as such we are hoping that ODNR will be true to their word.


Check back to this website for the results of our meeting with the local ODNR.



Hand feeding corn to one of those dangerous creatures!

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